As a not-for-profit organisation, we are able to keep the costs of running and attending our workshops to a minimum. However, we are passionate about the importance of our work and believe it should be open to everyone, regardless of their financial circumstances.
As a community, we adhere to a set of values. These values are based on taking responsibility for ourselves and for helping others.
The CIP Project is a non-profit organisation. Our aim is to offer affordable high quality support for all who need it, regardless of their personal circumstances. We therefore commit to awarding a limited number of bursaries (discounted tickets) specifically for those most in need, who can’t afford the full ticket price.
Unfortunately the scheme has been abused. Before applying for a bursary award, please carefully consider the following:
The CIP Project relies heavily on income from donations, but we also cannot survive without workshop ticket sales covering the costs to run an event. If we do not sell enough full price tickets, then we cannot award bursaries.
If you take much needed funds when you could really afford it, someone who truly can’t afford it, and really needs it, will miss out.
If you can afford full price please don’t apply for a bursary award.
If you can’t afford the full price, then please DO apply for a bursary, and we will do our best to help you, thanks to those who pay full price, and other donations.
To be considered for a bursary award, please complete the online application form and a member of the team will get back to you.
Applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis and applicants will be notified of the outcome within 4 weeks of the receipt of their application.
Successful applicants will receive a discount coupon to use on their requested event.
Payment to support any other agreed cost will be arranged individually with each applicant
Bursaries are only available for workshops run by The CIP Project
Successful applicants agree to provide a short evaluation of their experience at the end of their stay and give permission for this to be used in promotional or funding materials